Tuesday, August 13, 2013

10 Tips merawat printer infus agar lebih awet dan tahan lama

  1. Letakan botol infus sejajar dengan printer dan gunakan double tape agar botol tidak mudah terlepas. resiko tinta tumpah dan mengotori meja maupun dokumen-dokumen dapat diminimalisir.
  2. Saat akan menggunakan printer, tutup botol kecil pada tabung infus sebaiknya dibuka dengan tujuan udara bisa masuk sehingga tinta bisa mengalir dengan lancar.
  3. Saat printer tidak digunakan, maka tutup botol kecil dan besar pada tabung infus harus tertutup rapat, hal ini untuk menghindari tinta banjir dan mengkibatkan catridge/head mengalami konslet mati total
  4. Lakukan isi ulang tinta saat tinta sudah m

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Resetter All Epson

Program reset untuk reset Printer Epson adalah SSC Service Utility yang sekarang sudah tersedia dalam versi 4.30. Program reset ini bisa anda dapatkan di sini klikdownload.

Printer adalah perangkat penting bagi para pengguna komputer. Hasil ketikan atau hasil editing gambar seringkali lantas kita cetak (print) untuk melihat hasilnya. Beberapa jenis printer dengan alasan menghemat dana akhirnya mengalami modifikasi.

Beberapa macam alat bantu modifikasi begitu mudah didapatkan di pasaran, bahkan para distributor printerpun nampaknya telah begitu memahami fenomena ini, sehingga mereka seolah membiarkan dan bahkan beberapa toko “turut menganjurkan” calon pembeli untuk memodifikasi printernya agar jualannya laku. Terbukti strategi tersebut cukup jitu menarik

RESET EPSON C43, C58, C67, C87, R210, R230, R300

Printer adalah perangkat penting bagi para pengguna komputer. Hasil ketikan atau hasil editing gambar seringkali lantas kita cetak (print) untuk melihat hasilnya. Beberapa jenis printer dengan alasan menghemat dana akhirnya mengalami modifikasi.

Beberapa macam alat bantu modifikasi begitu mudah didapatkan di pasaran, bahkan para distributor printerpun nampaknya telah begitu memahami fenomena ini, sehingga mereka seolah membiarkan dan bahkan beberapa toko “turut menganjurkan” calon pembeli untuk memodifikasi printernya agar jualannya laku. Terbukti strategi tersebut cukup jitu menarik minat para pembeli.

Sebagai contoh, alat bantu modifikasi bagi printer Epson tela

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cara Servis HP3920, D1360, D2466 Lampu Blink

printer HP  dalam keadaan lampu blink dan posisi catrid ada disebelah kanan terus (ditempat cleaning head). Walaupun tutup printer dibuka catrid tetap mojok disebelah kanan. Mau tahu cara servisnya ...

Cara Servis HP3920, D1360, D2466 Lampu Blink :

1. Bongkar printer dengan membuka ke empat sekrupnya.
2. Cek bagian bar encodernya. Encoder adalah penerjemah program ke gerakan motor printer. Biasanya bar encoder ini kotor kena cipratan tinta. encoder ini bentuk seperti pita plastik bening dan ada garis2x kodenya...

How To Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5200

This time, I will try sharing on How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5200. IP 2770 is a new printer, and I also at the first time get error 5200 on canon iP2770. Want to know how ...?

Early Indication:
When the iP2770 is turned on, the printer looks normal with GREEN LED on. But when ordered to print, then the 5200 on iP2770 error will appear, and the LED will blinking 8x green 1x orange.

How To Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5200 :

How to Fix Error B200 on Canon iP2770 and MP258

This time I will share experiences about How to Fix Canon iP2770 and MP258 with Error B200. This question is often asked and I will answer now. This answer is from my friend who want to share about his experience.

How to Fix Error B200 on Canon iP2770 and MP258 :

Here is step by step to fix Error B200 on Canon iP2770 and MP258, but No Result ( Unclear) :

  • Reset Printer with software resetter = unclear.
  • Press Resume button 15 - 25 minutes, print result is not good.
  • Replace the catrid with the new one = result is unclear.

How to Resetter Canon MP198 error E27

I was often get questions about how to reset Canon MP198, and this time I want to share about How to Reset Canon MP198 with error E27.

How to Resetter Canon MP198 error E27 : prepare in service mode :

  • The printer is off and plugged the power cord.
  • Press and hold STOP / RESET then press and hold POWER.
  • Release the button STOP / RESET (POWER button should not be released)
  • Press STOP / RESET 2 (two) times, then release the POWER button
  • Let green LED blink until the printer head stops moving.

How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5B00

This time I will share about  How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5B00. I was try this resetter and runs perfectly. 100% working. This resetter no passwords ... and FREE

How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5B00

Download Canon iP2770 

 download Resetter V.3400

Do not forget to turn off the download manager, so the iP2770 Resetter successfully downloaded.

Go to the iP2770 Service Mode :

  1. Matikan Printer dengan menekan tombol POWER. Jangan cabut kabel power.
  2. Tekan dan Tahan tombol STOP/RESET lalu tekan Tombol POWER. Jadi kedua tombol posisi tertekan.
  3. Lepas tombol STOP/RESET tapi jangan lepas tombol POWERD
  4. Dalam keadaan tombol POWER masih tertekan, tekan tombol STOP/RESET sebanyak 6 kali.
  5. Komputer anda akan mendeteksi hardware baru. Abaikan saja. 

Langkah selanjutnya Exctract dan Jalankan Service Tool v3400 yang sudah didownload tadi. 
Pada menu absorber clear ink counter pilih Main kemudian klik SET di sebelah kanannya. 
Pada menu ink absorber counter pilih Main kemudian klik SET di sebelah kanannya. 
Kemudian klik EEOPROM. maka printer akan cetak 1 halaman. 
Printer Canon akan normal kembali.

How To Fix Mp258 P07 Error 5B00

This post discusses about Resetter Canon Mp258 P07 Error 5B00. Since many who seek MP258 resetter software for error 5B00 or P07, then let's go straight to the scene ......

Early indications Mp258 P07 Error 5B00 :
When the printer is turned on will show an error MP258 P07 on the LCD panel and the monitor screen will display an error 5B00.

How Resetter Canon Mp258 P07 Error 5B00:

How to Resetter Epson TX110 - TX111

Here, I will share about How to resetter epson TX110 and 111.

How to Resetter Epson TX110 - TX111

"Caution: This adjustment program similar to a virus that is detected as virus by antivirus. Turn off your antivirus program first so it can be operated"
  • Download software resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 first. Software named Resetter Epson Stylus TX110 - TX111, you can download here
  • Date of the computer do not need to be changed as previously resetter.
  • Run the program resetter Epson TX110 - TX111 with a double click "AdjProg.exe", directly in "AdjProg.exe" because it "does not use the loader."
  • Then follow the following picture :

"Check: used to counter check the maximum 7800 points, you can see it in the main pad counter. If more or close to 7800 points means the printer needs to be reset"
"Initialization: used to reset or re-counter zerro the printer"
  • When finished, turn the printer off then on again. The printer will on with a full green light. Means that Epson Stylus TX110 - TX111 ready for use again.
Good luck.

How to Reset Epson Stylus T11 :

Finally, the long-awaited come. After a long search for software resetter Epson T11. It was a relief ..... Before I had time to post how to manually reset epson T11. And this time I will discuss how to reset epson T11 and 100% Tested and FREE.

How to Reset Epson Stylus T11 :

  • The first step, you must have already installed the printer driver at your computer.
  • Download software resetter Epson T11 first. You can download here
  • Run the program resetter Epson T11 with a double click on "Loader.exe", do not jump in

Resetter Epson L100 and How to Use it

I'am very grateful for the visitors of this blog is increasing every day. I will keep writing, hopefully, can provide benefits to all visitors. Here is I will try to post about Resetter Epson L100 and How to Use it. Obviously a lot of visitors who are looking for this resetter epson L100.

Resetter Epson L100 and How to Use it :
Resetter epson L100 can be downloaded at the following link Ziddu:
Password: ekohasan

Using 7zip compression format, if you don't have the software, you can download it at:

For tips on downloading via ziddu order to more quickly and successfully, see the following links:

Resetter Epson L100 and How Uses:

  • Turn on Epson L100 and make sure that Espon L100 already connect to the computer with driver installed.
  • Then run Resetter Epson L100, by double clicking the file "AdjProg cracked.exe"
  • Click "accept">> "Particular Adjustment Mode">> Select "Waste ink pad counter reset">> click "Check">> uncheck "play pad counters, FL Boxes counter, tube Ink Counter", then click the "initialization"> > "Finish".

  • The next step,turn off Epson L100 , then disconnect the power.
  • The last step, reattach the power cord and turn on the printer, wait a while until Epson L100 ready.
Epson L100 is ready for use again.

Resetter Epson L200 and How Uses

This time, I will discuss about Resetter Epson L200 and How to Use it. Epson L200 is a new printer from Epson which using a CISS from the Epson original. Epson L200 and it did not escape from the counter of the protection system provided by the Epson. So when the printer is Epson L200 already full at the counter then we have to reset it to initial conditions. That is by using Epson Resetter L200.
Resetter Epson L200 and How Uses:
Resetter epson L200 can be downloaded at the following link Ziddu:
download disini

Password: ekohasan

Using 7zip compression format, if not have the software can be downloaded at:

Resetter Epson L200 and How Uses:

Resetter Epson L200 and How Uses:

  1. Turn Espon L200 and L200 make sure Espon already connect to the computer and installed drivers.
  2. Then run Resetter Epson L200, by double clicking the file "AdjProg.exe"
  3. Click "accept">> "Particular Adjustment Mode">> Select "Waste ink pad counter reset">> click "Check">> uncheck "play pad counters, FL Boxes counter, tube Ink Counter", then click the "initialization"> > "Finish".
  4. The next step Epson L200 turn off, then disconnect the power.
  5. The last step reattach the power cord and turn on the printer, wait a while until Epson Epson L200 and L200 will return to normal.
OK, that is How to use Epson resetter L200.

How to Reset Epson Stylus T13 :

This time I will discuss about how to reset epson T13. Resetter
Epson T13 was obtained from my firend. And from the experience, this T13 Epson resetter
functioning properly. 100% working.

How to Reset Epson Stylus T13 :

Cara Self Test Printer Epson

Jika anda sering mendapatkan servisan printer dan anda sering kesulitan untuk test print karena harus pasang driver segala di komputer, mungkin anda perlu mencoba trik ini.

Berikut ini adalah cara print test langsung dari printer tanpa lewat komputer.

Cara Self Test Printer Epson :

Printer Epson type :
C series :
C41, C42, C43, C45, C58, C61, C62, C63, C65, C67, C79, C85, C86, C87, etc.

R series :
R210, R230, R270, etc.

• Siapkan kertas pada printer unit.
• Tekan dan tahan tombol paper/resume lalu tekan tombol power

Printer Epson type :
CX Series : CX 3500, CX 3600, CX3700, CX 5100, CX CX 4900 , CX 5900, etc

• Siapkan kertas pada printer unit.
• Tekan dan tahan tombol power lalu tekan tombol ink/tinta hingga lampu power indikator berkedip 1x lalu lepas kedua tombol tsb.

Cara print test langsung dari printer HP 2566:

Jika anda sering mendapatkan servisan printer dan anda sering kesulitan untuk test print karena harus pasang driver segala di komputer, mungkin anda perlu mencoba trik ini.

Berikut ini adalah cara print test langsung dari printer tanpa lewat komputer.

Cara print test langsung dari printer HP 2566:

1. Nyalakan Printer.
2. Tekan tombol power dan tahan jangan di lepaskan. (kalau dilepaskan mati...)
3. Kemudian tekan tombol panah 4x (tiga-empat kali) kemudian baru tombol powernya dilepaskan.

Cara Self Test Printer Canon DeskJet

Jika anda sering mendapatkan servisan printer dan anda sering kesulitan untuk test print karena harus pasang driver segala di komputer, mungkin anda perlu mencoba trik ini.
Berikut ini adalah cara print test langsung dari printer tanpa lewat komputer.

Cara print test langsung dari printer Canon IP1200, IP1300, IP1600, IP1700, IP1880, IP1980, dll :

1. Nyalakan Printer.
2. Tekan-tekan tombol resume 4x - 5x secara cepat, jangan sampai kurang.
3. Dan printer canon anda akan mulai untuk menjalankan print test.

Siapkan kertasnya dulu jangan lupa ya .....

Untuk Self Test Printer Canon yang Multifungsi bisa langsung lewat tombol copy di printer.

Cara print test langsung dari printer HP 3325, 3535, 3744, 3920, 3940, 2466:

Jika anda sering mendapatkan servisan printer dan anda sering kesulitan untuk test print karena harus pasang driver segala di komputer, mungkin anda perlu mencoba trik ini.

Berikut ini adalah cara print test langsung dari printer tanpa lewat komputer.

Cara print test langsung dari printer HP 3325, 3535, 3744, 3920, 3940, 2466:

1. Nyalakan Printer.
2. Tekan tombol power dan tahan jangan di lepaskan. (kalau dilepaskan mati...)
3. Kemudian buka tutup cover printer (tutupnya printer) 3x -4x (tiga-empat kali buka tutup), jangan sampai kurang, dan kondisi terakhir menutup, kemudian baru tombol powernya dilepaskan.
dan printer HP anda akan mulai untuk menjalankan print test.

Siapkan kertasnya dulu jangan lupa ya .....